EMP Gaskets for creating Faraday Cages


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A Faraday Cage is a metallic enclosure used to protect sensitive electronics.

Normally you would create a Faraday Cage by using metal tape to seal a metallic box against an EMP or CME.  However this tape can’t easily be reused.

Instead, use these metallic gaskets for easy and repeatable access into your Faraday Cage.


Trash Can Faraday Cage – one pair of 6x2x1000mm gaskets

  1. Choose a metal trash can by placing it’s lid on, then attempting to lift the whole trash can only by the lids handle.  If you can lift this, then the lid is tight enough.
  2. (Optional) If you want, then use metallic duct tape on the inside holes where the handles attach.  The issue with the E1 pulse is the seam of the lid, not any holes in the body.
  3. Line the inside of the trash can with cardboard or other electrical insulation.  Tape the seams so no device placed inside will touch the can.
  4. Cut and adhere the pair of EMP gaskets to the inside of the trash can lid.  This will create a conductive bond when the lid is placed on the trash can body.
  5. Do not ground or bond the trash can.  This can cause the trash can to energize when the E2 then the E3 pulse is present.  You do not want to cause a shock hazard.
  6. Do not place the trash can on concrete, instead place it on a rubber mat, wood, or other electrical insulation on the concrete.

Update:  Several customer and I have noticed the adhesive isn’t adequate for this application.  We found that Gorilla brand double sided tape affixed to the underside of the trash can lid can secure the gasket.   A light application of glue can also work.  Just don’t allow the glue to get on the side of the lid.

See the below graphic on where to place the tape (in red).  The EMP gasket need to touch the inside of the lid and also the top edge of the trash can body to fully electrically bond the lid to the can..

Small Ammo Can Faraday Cage – one 5x4x1000mm gasket

Find a small .30 caliber ammo can that is in good shape and no holes or gashes.

Line the inside of the ammo can with cardboard or other electrical insulation.

Remove the ammo can’s waterproof gasket.   Use this gasket to measure and cut the EMP gasket to size.  Note you can’t install both gaskets, you will need choose between waterproof or EMPproof.

Remove the EMP gasket backing and then adhere the pieces to the top lip of the ammo can body where the lid seals.  Close the lid and use the locking mechanism to seal the lid shut.

Gasket Specifications

  • Shielding effectiveness at 1 GHz = 86 dB
  • Shielding effectiveness at 100 MHz = 80 dB
  • Gasket is not waterproof


For more information see Dr. Arthur Bradley and his work on testing EMP products.  I highly recommend his website and YouTube videos.



Dimensions N/A
Gasket Version

Trash Can Kit, Large Ammo Can Kit, Small Ammo Can Kit


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