Basic Chirp troubleshooting steps
Other troubleshooting questions. Did this just start? What changes have you made since it last worked?
Other troubleshooting questions. Did this just start? What changes have you made since it last worked?
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It’s tornado season again! A reminder that you can use your radios to gather intelligence about weather hazards. In this
Paratus Radio means “Prepared Radio”. In a disaster or emergency will you have the communications you need? Think about what you need
Paratus Radio now carries BTECH FRS-A1 Radio Kit and the GMRS-2 Radio in stock. Both radios: The FRS-A1 Radio Kit:
I was recently interviewed on the Thriving the Future Podcast about Community Communications. Please visit to listen to this episode
Update: Evidently Facebook thought I needed to bio-identify myself to access my account again. I told them to screw off.
What cables and connectors should a radio operator consider? What are the strength and weaknesses of each kind and type?
Discussing The Use Of Radio In SHTF Situations. Shirts and mugs: Help this channel: Facebook: Radio Preppers
Channel Update and Radio Q&A Announcement. Some news and announcing the next questions-and-answers live session on February 21, 2021 at