Got Communications?

Paratus Radio means “Prepared Radio”. In a disaster or emergency will you have the communications you need? Think about what you need to do to stay in contact with your family and community.

When the grid goes down, you will most likely:

1. Prioritize Local over Distant communications – Most communications in a disaster will be in the tactical range (1-2 miles) and most news you want is within 10 miles.

Rings of Communicaton

2. Listen to the radio, rather than Talk – Radio is about reporting and intelligence gathering. You need to understand the world around you to make good decisions for your family. What is the weather like? What is happening with that chemical spill? Is that area flooding?

From this intelligence you can make better decisions. Is it safer to stay put and “bug in”? Or do you need to evacuate your family and “bug out”? Will this event bring harm to my neighbors?

3. Attempt to contact missing loved ones – If cell phone service is still up, then text instead of calling. If cell phone service is down, then try calling them on a Ham or GMRS repeater. Many repeaters are on emergency power and some are located at fire stations

Missouri Ham Repeaters

Realize you may not be able to get ahold of them in that instant. We have become dependent on a sophisticated communications network, so you may suffer anxiety if you are not prepared and don’t have a family communications and disaster plan.

A simple plan to start with is the CH3 plan. Try contacting people on channel three of your radio, for two minutes, at the top of every one hour. (3-2-1).

If you are concerned about communications in a disaster, then let our family help yours. We have the product you want and the training you need!


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